Breakthrough GOOD NEWS for anyone suffering from an eating disorder…

Are you a Male?

How you can Cure your Eating Disorder with the Power of Neuroplasticity and Regain your Life, Health and Self Esteem.

Discover the powerful program based on cutting edge scientific research on the human brain devised by Dr Irina Webster MD to cure her own eating disorder. 

This unique program – taking just half an hour a day in the comfort of your own home - is now helping restore health to bulimia and anorexia nervosa sufferers
                  around the globe

Dr Irina Webster


From: Dr Irina Webster, medical doctor, ex-eating disorder sufferer and author of the world-renowned ‘Eating Disorder Neuroplasticity Home Treatment Program’ and expert advisor to the University of Melbourne's Department of Psychiatry ORYGEN Eating Disorder Program.

Dear Fellow Eating-disorder Sufferer,

If you’ve been desperately searching for the answer to overcoming your vicious cycle of starving or binging and purging then this message could literally save your life. 

That sounds like a big call doesn’t it. 

But as a medical doctor who endured a torturous battle with bulimia for 10 years before devising my own unique treatment… please believe me when I tell you I’m deadly serious.

William BA

Now my husband William (expert advisor to the University of Melbourne's Department of Psychiatry ORYGEN Eating Disorder Program) and I are on a personal crusade to help females and males around the world beat bulimia

So what exactly is neuroplasticity anyway?

The first part neuro is for neurone (which are the nerve cells in the brain) and plasticity means plastic or changeable.

In a nutshell, neuroplasticity is the property of the brain that allows the brain to change itself.  

These changes occur in four ways:

(1) By responding to the world in a certain way

(2) By perceiving the world in a certain way 

(3) By acting in the world in a certain way                                   

(4) By thinking and imagining in a certain way.

There is a simple reason why this new approach works and I will tell you about it soon.

How does it work and how can it help you.

First you will learn 5 steps and these steps form the basis of changing the neuronal pathways in the brain, from faulty to normal.

1 step: BELIEVE ( that you can stop your eating disorder.)

2 step: Re-identify your disorder

3 step: Re- symbolize your disorder

4 step: Re-direct your disorder

5 step: Re- evaluate your disorder

Research from the famous biologist Bruce H. Lipton, PhD showed that genes and DNA do not control our biology. He found that DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages that come from our negative and positive thoughts.

His biological and quantum physics research proves that our bodies can be physically changed by what we think and what we do. And changing your beliefs will result in different outcomes in your life.

You has a sufferer have got to where you are by subconsciously building faulty neuronal pathways around food as a cover for some kind of emotional trauma in your life. It does not even have to be something big, just being called fat by a family member is enough to send some people down the dark hole of an ED.

You start to do some kind of activity, skip meals, watch what you eat, check how much calories are in things, up your exercise levels and are always thinking about food.

What you are doing is creating an obsession about food in your brain and building  neuronal pathways around this obsession. And before you notice, Bingo, you have an eating disorder and you never saw it coming.

Although your thoughts and urges about starving, binging-purging and over exercising have become overwhelming, it is possible to change how you respond to these thoughts and urges. And by changing your respond to them you can physically change the way your brain works.

Your eating disorder has formed certain neuronal pathways (or neuronal connections) in the brain. And these pathways get constantly activated and reinforced  because you do the action (starving, binging-purging) and also think about this all the time.


Neuronal connections or pathways.

On the picture to the left you see the part of the neuronal pathways in the brain.  

The big black dots are the bodies of neurons (brain cells). They all connected to each other by their fiber called axons.

Axons also carry its message (electrical impulse) from the body of a neuron to another neuron. Each neuron connects to many other neurons and other neurons connect to many more neurons. This chain of neurons develops a neuronal network or pathway. Each neuronal network or neuronal pathway gets developed in response to certain action or behavior.

The longer you do a specific action the more activated the connections become and eventually it moves to the subconscious part of the brain. The subconscious mind is where all our automatic actions and habits live. Like how to still ride a bike that you learned when you were a child, your eating disorder and its actions of either starving yourself or, binging-purging also live in there.

This is why you can not simply stop even though you have told yourself you will not do it again. It is not possible for you to simply get up one day and stop your ED, you can only stop by changing the neuronal pathways in your brain. There is absolutely no other way. If anyone tells you different then they are totally wrong.

I'm confident that the ‘Eating Disorder Neuroplasticity  Home Treatment Program’ is the answer to re-claiming your life as it has been for hundreds of eating disorder sufferers around the world.

That’s even if you’ve been suffering with this disorder for years and you’ve given up hope of making a recovery.

Because we know 100%, if you change the way you think you will change the pathways in your brain.

An Eating Disorder is a form of an OCD

There is a mountain of research done on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and an eating disorder is an OCD just based on food, but with another element pleasure instead or pain.

Your obsession is always thinking about weight and what you eat.
Your compulsion is acting on these thoughts even though you know they are wrong.
Your behavior is doing things to make sure you maintain your distorted eating habits, even though you know it is wrong.

The extra element is eating disorder victims get a kind of perverse pleasure out of their disorder, while OCD patients get nothing but pain. But the pleasure is short lived and when it is finished the ED sufferer also gets pain. This is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain and when the pleasure chemical has gone there is nothing left but pain.

It has been proven by imminent researchers like Jeffery M. Schwartz, MD and others who have mapped OCD on PET scans (Positron emission tomography) that the orbital cortex that is responsible for complex thinking becomes over active in the OCD patient.

This then leads to the Caudate Nucleus the part of the brain responsible for shifting unwanted thoughts out of the brain becoming stuck with the unhealthy eating disorder thoughts playing out over and over again: this is what we have coined as Brain loop.

This where the problem lies and this brain loop has to be broken or you will never be free from your ED.

This is where our Eating Disorder Neuroplasticity Home Treatment Program comes in, as it teaches you how to break the brain loop by building healthy neuronal pathways around the defective ones.  

But If you are a male sufferer we know how hard it is for you to come to grips with the fact you have an eating disorder problem. It is a lot harder for males to seek treatment for their disorder, as males tend to try and live with things.

We realize males hate seeking out help, they feel they can beat the problem all by their self. But we equally know that this is extremely hard to do, if not impossible, so we have developed this program to help both Male and Female sufferers. 

You are still maybe asking yourself why do we know about all this?

Is it the fact that Irina is a doctor?

Yes and no. Yes because she is a doctor and has been working with eating disorder sufferers for a long time and many of them are males.

The no is because she was once a sufferer of an Eating Disorder just like you in her teens, early twenties! Yes: doctors are not immune to eating disorders!

She also followed the conventional medical path for years (just like you) and it did not work for her, so she developed her own strategy to beat the eating disorder and she did.

Over the years she developed it through trial and error, working not only with herself but with eating disorder patients also. Now, we are going to share it with you. But in a far more powerful and refined way that will change your life forever without all the dead ends she had travelled down and help you to fast forward your recovery.

Yes she is female, but eating disorders do not differentiated between male and female so the treatment program will work equally well on both sexes.

 Here is an example:

 You Have Changed My Life

“When I first found this program I was an absolute mess on the inside although I was cool and calm on the outside but I was desperate to find help, so I turned to the internet when all else failed.

I can't possible express my gratitude in words so I have made this recording.



Here are some of the key items I found helpful:

The first section of the program talks about commitment - you need to make that decision that things are so bad and you need to make them better .

‘You get what you expect’ or ‘What you expect is what you get’ so always expect the best and see the best.

Give gratitude for everything you have everyday. Say ‘thank you’ for this and more great things will come.
When the inner chatter is happening and I'm stressing out - William's special mantra I learned definitely brings an element of calmness:

You have changed my life forever!!!!!!

Your wonderful support is so appreciated, thank you so much for everything.”

Andra, Toronto
Email address available.


  I was a sufferer for 12 years before I stumbled on your program.

I'm writing to say thank you for the amazing, invaluable program. I can confidently say that if a person is ready to commit to change and recovery then the program will work 100%.

 I can talk about it with great confidence because I am a recovering bulimic
now and out of the last 12 years, 9 was spent on trying every possible
treatment to find the way to recover. I can finally say that your program is the solution if the person is ready for the work they need to do.

 Currently I am working at an Addiction clinic, which employs conventional ways of treating addiction and am now able to see clearly that if your
program was used as a treatment here there would be so much more success with ED sufferers!
Name withheld on request for ethical reasons. But is available.



From Steve G Jones the Famous Hollywood Hypnotherapist to the Stars.

Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy.

I just want to say that doing a Home Treatment Program with your family and friends is certainly the way to go in treating Eating disorders.

Dr Irina and William's program is the best I have found on this subject as it is designed to work on the subconscious mind where an eating disorder lives.

"Click on the button to here more from Steve"


Steve G. Jones also sees clients in his private practice for a number of conditions. Among them are: Eating disorders, weight loss, anxiety, smoking cessation, test taking, phobias (such as fear of flying), nail biting, road rage, anger management, IBS, general wellness, pre-surgical and pre-dental pain control, natural childbirth, and many others.

Thank you Steve G Jones.


                               Excellent Program

"I've been using the Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program for a few months now and my emotional and spiritual health has improved a lot.

I travel with the MP4 and I listen to it on a daily basis. As a result I have more control over my behavior than ever, stronger inner confidence, ability to relax instantly in any situation I would normally feel anxious and tense in.

 I definitely got this sense of inner power that I always wanted but thought that I wasn't given it from the birth and would never otherwise have it.
I am amazed how easy this program transformed my mind after suffering from bulimia for 10 years and 3,5 years of anorexia before that. I personally thought I was doomed and that bulimia was my cross to bear, but now I realized how wrong I was back then to even think like that.

Now I believe that no one is doomed and everyone has their own chance to recover. And it does not matter how long you have been suffering or how old you are. The only thing that matters is what choices you make in life: the choice to recover or stay the same.

Choosing recovery by getting this program made me feel grateful to God for the self-discovery and self-realization I have been going through . I can't imagine now what would have happen if I stayed the same old bulimic and not experienced all these changes. I would feel very sorry for myself but now I feel grateful..."

John. R., NY. (writer for an American magazine)

Didn't want to be identified because of privacy matters.


                                 Absolutely fantastic.

I really wanted to let you know how absolutely fantastic your program is. William and Dr Irina have done an outstanding job and I love listening to William. His approach is so relaxed and straight to the point. He makes you feel like you can accomplish anything.
I really feel like the program is making a difference and only wish I had more time to listen over and over again, instead of the limited time I have. Once again, I am loving the program and it is really helping as I feel like I am making progress.

You are doing such great work, thank you for letting me listen. While my steps are baby ones, they are starting to add up. I am really excited!

Andra Canada.

Did You Know That Conventional Medicine Fails Against Eating Disorders 90% Of The Time?

Yes, it’s true. Scary isn’t it?

But the good news is that I’ve discovered the reason why every thing else you’ve tried doesn’t work… and what DOES WORK. 

You see, out of sheer desperation - because no-one or nothing else could help me - I spent months researching the REAL cause of eating disorders.

Using my medicine training, I made some startling discoveries about where eating disorder sufferer’s compulsive behaviour starts.  

I also uncovered cutting edge scientific research on the relationship between your actions and your mind that helps overcome this destructive behaviour… without toxic drugs.

Using the program I devised, I’ve now been free of bulimia since 1995 and I’ve never felt better.

And what’s even better this innovative program takes…

eating disorder help program option1

The Eating Disorder Neuroplasticity Treatment Program
(shown above)


You can lie back and relax while this largely audio-based program goes to work quickly and safely transforming your thinking and your life.



But before I reveal how to stamp out your eating disorder once and for all, let me explain what this is all about by taking you back to where it all began for me…


My Long Lonely Struggle Against Eating Disorders

I suffered a lonely and traumatic childhood in my native Russia.

At 13 years of age children began teasing me calling me ‘fatty’ (although in reality I was just more developed than the other girls).

There were many days the comments were so cruel and hurtful that I’d run to the toilets to hide so no one would see me cry.

Desperate for the teasing to stop, I started a dangerous anorexic type diet. Many days all I’d eat was a couple of apples and some water.

I dropped a lot of weight but it wasn’t the end of my troubles. 

You see, my parents were really strict and I was forced to study for hours with no contacts outside the house during school days and on most weekends.

My friends soon learned not to call or drop around as they would be chased away.

My parents meant well. They wanted me to get a good education and succeed in life.

But children need time to play and mix with other kids.  I was an A-grade student but a lonely and unhappy kid. 

I soon developed really bad eating habits as a kind of escape mechanism from the pressures and unhappiness I felt at home and at school.

I forgot about watching my weight and started binge eating practically any foods I could get my hands on.  

Soon my mother started telling me I was putting on too much weight and I needed to control myself.

I tried but I just couldn’t…

Binge eating had become my only release…

…even though it made me feel guilty and anxious.

But then quite by accident I discovered that I could stuff myself with food and then throw it up.  It meant I could practice my compulsion without the side-effect of unwanted weight.

I felt really proud of myself for coming up with this solution. I thought I had invented this behaviour which I later found out was a sickness called bulimia.

It gave me a great feeling of being in control of my body. And I grew addicted to the ‘rush’ of throwing up the contents of my stomach even though I often felt weak and lethargic straight afterwards.

And so my vicious cycle of binging and purging began.

I became increasingly withdrawn from everyone around me for fear they would find out

What I was doing to myself. My self-esteem was virtually nil. I felt utter contempt for myself.

At 17 years of age I realized this obsessive and secretive behaviour which I practiced while my parents were at work was placing my health at severe risk.

I consulted a doctor but back in the 1980s eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia weren’t a recognized condition in Russia.

When I went to university to study medicine I learned just how much physical harm all my binging and purging was doing, not to mention the periods of anorexia I went through. So again I sought help.

I approached my lecturers for advice. 

When you’re young and impressionable you tend to believe people in positions of authority have all the answers.  After all they were doctors and they were teaching me about medicine. 

But the only help they could offer was to advise that I see a counselor.

I struggled through the normal relentless merry-go-round of counselors, therapists and clinics.

Maybe you’ve been through this yourself?

I did feel better when I was talking to these professionals but it was short lived.

      I slipped back to my destructive binging/purging habits almost as soon as I got home.

It became obvious that therapy was not the answer. 

Doctors prescribed me drugs like anti-depressants. But they made me feel awful and I would have to stop taking them.  And deep down I knew this was just masking the symptoms not getting to the real root of my problem anyway. 

Increasingly anxious and desperate, I finally realised that the only person who could help me was me.

At around about the same time I enrolled in medical courses on the brain and was growing increasingly fascinated by what I was learning.

It motivated me to do a lot of my own additional research on the brain.

And slowly the reasons why all the other therapy I’d received up to that point for my eating disorder had been so ineffective became apparent.

Does this sound like you? It probably does in many ways, this is why I have shared with you, so you know you are not alone.

           The Cause Of Eating Disorders Unlocked

You see, the mainstream medical and therapeutic community tries to treat eating disorders by targeting the logical or conscious part of your mind.

They try to reason with your logical mind and show you that those little voices in your head that tell you you’re fat, ugly and worthless are wrong and distorted. 

But I learned that the compulsion to over-eat or under-eat is driven by the strongest and biggest part of your brain…

…the part that controls all your behaviour without you even knowing it.  That is…

… the subconscious mind!

In fact, did you know the subconscious mind takes up about 85%-90% of our brain capacity compared to 10-15% for the conscious or logical part?

 What this means is that no matter how much you as a sufferer want to stop your eating disorder…

…unless you re-program your subconscious mind you will always fail in your battle against your eating disorder.

No exceptions.

FACT: the process of starving yourself or binging and purging happen without your full conscious awareness. You do it although you know you shouldn't but you have an uncomfortable feeling in the middle and upper stomach area or you feel like something is being squeezed in the middle of your chest, so you continue the irrational behavior.


FACT: When you start your abnormal eating behavior you embrace 100% of the feelings this behavior gives you, so much so that you lose conscious control of everything else around you. Another way of putting that is when you starve yourself you get 100% obsessed with it to the point of endangering your life.  

You fall into what is called an eating disorder trance again and again. This trance is caused by the releasing of pleasure hormones by your limbic system - part of your subconscious mind - because it is wired this way to give pleasure to stimulus

    Your Program Helps Me Stop The False Brain Messages 

“Dear Irina and William.
Before I found your site I did not know that I had a subconscious mind. Little did I know how much my problems stemmed from it.
After working through the program I now think I can control all these false messages it has been sending me. Who would have believed they are so important. Every time I get a false message now I use your BAM exercise to defeat it. It really works a treat. Thank you soooo much.”
Jenny Taylor WA.  


So where Do These Self-destructive Compulsions Come From In The First Place?

That’s a good question. Let me explain…

You see the subconscious mind does not depend on intellectual understanding.

Instead it works on your reservoir of memories from your childhood as well as those from your distant collective past.

That means that somewhere earlier in life you got memories of hurt - emotional or physical.  You experienced dissatisfaction with yourself and it happened to you on at least several occasions.

Consciously you may not even remember.  But your subconscious mind sure does and keeps the memory of these feelings forever.

That's why you get those bad feelings of anxiety, fear, guilt and dissatisfaction with yourself from time to time even without a specific reason for it.

These feelings have been kept by your subconscious mind for years and are released when something triggers them, and you are totally unaware it is happening.

Another reason why your subconscious mind works this way is that in the past you did not have enough positive joyful emotional input, especially in relation to people close to you like family, friends and parents.

In this case your eating disorder becomes a substitute for …

…positive emotional input because of the trance like feelings it gives you while you are starving or binging.

This is why many eating disorder sufferers are able to stop their erratic eating behavior and sometimes get better while they are on a positive emotional wave… like say falling in love or some other personal success.

And then when these feelings stop the sufferers slips back into there eating disorder to compensate for their lack of positive feelings. 

An eating disorder also gives you feelings of control. And that is why you find it so hard to give it up, because you feel safe and like you’re the boss.

But of course you’re lying to yourself because it’s the eating disorder that’s in control, not you.

Until you remove these subconscious blockages or voices your eating disorder will come back to haunt you again and again to compensate for the lack of positive emotions. Or to ease your tension, anxiety and fears.

One of the most common examples of a common subconscious blockage or Brain Lock for the eating disorder sufferer is the "Broken Eye Syndrome".

This syndrome is when people see themselves as fat in the mirror although in reality they are very thin in the case of the anorexic, or can look perfectly normal in the case of the bulimic.

Eating disorder sufferers perceive what they see is the truth, although it is their mind lying to them.

But lets make one point very clear:

An eating disorder is not about the food you eat. It is about your subconscious feelings and conditioning of your mind in relation to past experiences!

It took me a long time to work this out. But it was the first massive step towards getting well after 10 years of struggling with my eating disorder.

Are You Starting To See Now Why Conventional Therapy Hasn’t Worked For You?

The kind of therapy offered by most mainstream doctors, counselors and clinics, including group therapy, targets only the logical or conscious part of your mind.

Conventional treatment in most cases just relies on rehashing the past over and over again.  But all this does is cause all the feelings to come back and makes you feel bad.


In fact, it only aggravates the problem.

Don’t get me wrong, the conventional medical approach is very good at educating people about eating disorders and fixing their physical problems… like gaining weight and correcting electrolyte disturbances in the blood.

But most of the time they fail to set you free from the underlying eating disorder itself.

How To Transform Your Subconscious Mind So You Stamp Out Your Eating Disorder Forever

Discovering that eating disorders stem from the subconscious mind made sense. It was an amazing breakthrough.

But of course, it was only half the solution. I also had to find a way to re-program my mind to be rid of this awful condition once and for all.

I continued researching the latest scientific breakthroughs on the human brain and made another VERY EXCITING discovery.

I found that the world’s leading brain experts are now of the view that our brains, thoughts and emotions are not rigid or fixed in place as was once believed.

It is now accepted wisdom in scientific circles that our minds can be changed in order to treat and even cure a range of conditions - particularly psychological based ones like eating disorders.

And I uncovered a process that experts claim has a much more effective recovery rate for psychological disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa than drugs or therapy.

I later learned there that this process has a name.

It’s called neuroplasticity and leading scientists have labelled it…

…“one of the most extraordinary discoveries of the Twentieth Century”.

I would have to agree.  That’s because neuroplasticity was the final piece in the jig-saw puzzle for my own recovery from bulimia.

I have to admit I was pretty sceptical at first.

After all, some of the brightest doctors and counsellors in my native Russia had been unable to help me.

But I was desperate and had nothing to lose.

If I continued on the way I was I knew I was likely to do irreparable damage to my body or even die.

So I devised some simple techniques based on my research into neuroplasticity and began using them everyday.

The outcome was amazing.

After a decade struggling with eating disorders, within 1 week I started to be able to control the voices in my head that were compelling me to binge and purge. Sure the voices tried to overwhelm me but I just changed focus and went and did something else.

I began to feel and behave like a normal person around food again.

It was such a great relief to begin liking and respecting myself again; to not have this dark secret hanging over me that I felt ashamed to share with friends and family.

And it was a cure not a short-term fix. I haven’t had any symptoms of my eating disorder since 1995.

Occasionally I still have bulimic thoughts. But using the simple techniques I devised, I’m able to easily control them and don’t act on them.

These strategies I implemented for my own cure from bulimia are the heart and soul of my Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program’.

There’s no other eating disorder program utilising these advanced scientifically-proven methods anywhere.

After my recovery I went on to work as a doctor in Russia and later in Australia when I migrated here in 2001.

But over the last couple of years I’ve been working exclusively in the field of eating disorders.

My husband William and I are expert advisors to the ORYGEN Research Centre Eating Disorder program at the University of Melbourne Department of Psychiatry

We’re in demand around the world to conduct workshops on our innovative eating disorder cure program.

Here are some photos from or last workshop in Florida USA: January 2008.

                                    Dr Irina speaking in Florida about eating disorder cure 
                                                   Dr Irina explaining about eating disorder cure.

William waiting to speak in Florida about eating disorder treatment
Dr Irina with William waiting in the wings to speak
on eating disorder neuroplasticity treatment.

 Okay, what is involved, so let's get started.

Imagine plugging yourself into a specially mastered step by step audio  program containing a powerful (but absolutely safe) full eating disorder system that re-programs your mind into a way of happiness, confidence, satisfaction with your own body and absolute spiritual and emotional freedom.

A program that immediately begins to create profound positive changes in the structure of your mind and nervous system and your life!

A system that has taken many years to perfect and put together after extensive testing, that is guaranteed to bring you relief.
Because it eliminates any need for your dependence on anorexia-bulimia to make you feel good.

A system that completely fixes the "broken eye syndrome" anorexia - bulimia gives you (covered extensively in interviews and program), by changing your false associations. You'll replace the emptiness bulimia has given you with love, wisdom and tenderness. And your life will be thriving with happiness.

And for Males a system where you can treat yourself in private with a minimum of fuss and you don't have to tell the world you had a problem.

Do you think it is possible for you? I think it really is. If it was possible for myself and others it is certainly possible for you.

                                  Very Powerful.

After completing the program I found what I was missing during all the years of suffering from Bulimia: I became a full person again. I found what I was meant to have in life, before my eating disorder took it all away from me.
My eating disorder deprived me of happiness and ruled my life for 9 years. Finally, I was able to take back what was mine and this makes me very proud of myself.

And this is not all...I was also able to restore my marriage that had been ruined due to my everyday binges and inability to control myself even a little bit...

Now I don't have any guilt or anxiety anymore, all that just disappear from my mind and soul, I believe forever... My weight is stable now, plus I just don't think it is a big deal anymore as long as I enjoy my life, staying with my family and doing the things I love to do...

I am full of energy and looking forward to every day of my life...

Thank you."
Anna L., Australia, (Dance teacher).

Since you are still reading this letter, I believe you are already much smarter than most people. A lot of them would have already moved on to a different website looking for that one pill solution. But you're still here, because you hear those small voices within the ones that whisper to you every single day.

The ones that keep you awake at night saying you were meant for something more than a run of the mill existence with bulimia. In fact!

You Were Meant To Have An EXTRAORDINARY Life!

So, if you want to put your life on the right track and keep it there, become a valuable member of our society, be happy, confident and satisfied with yourself.
Virtually eliminate stress from your life naturally and safely, plus stimulate the production of brain chemicals that will dramatically improve your brain function and correct the abnormalities that have caused your bulimia and resolve forever these so-called "dysfunctional" feelings and behaviors bulimia has given you so please read on.

And harnessing that power in your life is magical, astounding, and predictably reliable. It's so simple, it's breathtaking.

Here's what I mean…

Try this little experiment for the next 30 seconds. You'll quickly prove to yourself how powerful thinking does affect you and influences your mind so easily. We will do this by thinking about what you DON'T want to think about and show you that you will think about it even more!

Here we go…

Do NOT think about the Statue of Liberty jumping up and down, bouncing from one leg to the other and juggling its torch ...

Hey! I thought I said do NOT think about it! Absolutely don't even consider how silly this must look. I know, the image just popped it there didn't it, you had no choice, see how easy that was? 

I could continue… but do you see for yourself what happens when you focus on something you DO NOT want (like bulimia) in your mind: or your life? Your brain has a ‘mind of its own'! That's why you feel bulimia is uncontrollable and you are not in charge of yourself.

Look, you don't have to be a scientific whiz kid to understand the simple facts about how your mind works. But what would happen if you discovered the secret that could instantly light the fuse on the explosive power within your mind?

What if you could harness the incredible power of your mind… effortlessly… reliably… and consistently… to flood your life with very exciting possibility you've always longed for, getting rid of your Bulimia?

You see, even though natural talents, massive brains, first-class education, and being born with a silver spoon in your mouth would be very nice to have… not one of these ‘luck of the draw' things guarantees your happiness and good health.

Did you know that bulimia is a disease that strakes mainly highly educated and talented people, high achieves or what we call perfectionists. Ask yourself why is it that so many famous people have an eating disorder?

A lot of bulimics are very nice people but prone to have low self-esteem, that creates an emptiness inside. And then you try to fill this emptiness with the feelings that food gives you.

Why food? - Because eating is one of our basic primary instincts that has always given us pleasure and satisfaction throughout time.

In fact, that's why this message is coming to you exactly at this particular moment. (You do know there are no such thing as coincidences, right?) Because now is the perfect time for you to focus on your positive inner power, and see for yourself how easily you…

Become The Winner You Were Born To Be!
It is only the Bulimia that holds you back.

You can change your life in the blink of an eye, all in just 30 tiny minutes a day. Because I've finally cracked the code on exactly how you can unleash the power of your mind which can stop bulimia and unleash your inner power to a phenomenal level. It's so easy, ANYBODY can do it! It's as simple as understanding a system that works over and over again.

And once you plug into your inner power in just 30 powerful minutes a day, you'll be amazed how easily you can…

  • Release and take away dysfunctional mental and emotional patterns (such as fear, anxiety, sadness, substance abuse, compulsive eating, purging, self-limitations, etc.) - even those that have stubbornly resisted other methods of treatment

  • Banish the cruel tricks of your mind that constantly paralyze your ability to succeed in beating bulimia. Hint: This is crucial to your success! Without it you'll unknowingly sabotage yourself at every turn and constantly return to the bulimia!

  • Increase learning ability, enhanced creativity, greater intuition, improved focus and concentration - and (even more amazing) greatly increased personal self-awareness (scientists call this combination "whole brain functioning").

  • Crumble your inner fortress of doubt, fear, and disappointment, and emerge victorious… free of self-defeating thoughts (and behaviors!) that chain you to the past, and keep you from claiming lasting prosperity.

  • Dramatically lower your stress levels and increase your ability to deal with whatever comes at you from the world, calmly and clearly. You become more relaxed, less anxious, more centered, more peaceful, and more connected to others.

  • Achievements becomes easier, and without the same feelings of anxiety and stress. Taking the risks necessary for success don't seem so scary any more. Good things begin to just "happen" in such a way they almost seem to fall right into your lap...

  • Plunge into the velvety sanctuary of lasting inner peace so profound, it sends shivers of delight rippling through your body.

  • Control of your own feelings and emotions with ease and never let binging-purging thoughts take you over .

Impossible? Science Fiction?

Science, yes. Fiction, no. Every one of these results has been experienced and reported to us by participants in the program we've created . We call the program The Neuroplasticity Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program, and we really believe you have found the end to your search for something that really works for beating Bulimia.

And, you might be interested to know that these are not the results of just a few people. What I've just outlined is the predominant profile of a long-term participant in our program.

All this from doing a simple Eating Disorder Home Treatment program? Yes, it is.

                                    Can't believe it
Not everybody has hours to spend, nor do many people have the discipline to sit there for hours and program their minds--they just don't have the time or the patience. The Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program really helps you do things differently. It helps you to get major benefits from simply plugging into your brain power for 20 minutes a day without making that much effort, because it is delivered straight to your mind through an audio presentation. You gradually realize that thoughts and feelings related to food become less prominent and you finally get in control. And that's terrific !

—Janet Gardner, US (mother of 2 young kids)


                                                  I'm living proof
that anybody can stop their eating disorder, simply by following Dr Irina Webster's breakthrough program.

A little over a year ago I was completely messed up, binging and purging every night. I had a few broken relationships, hated my job, blamed everything and everyone for my misfortunes. I hated it, and felt that my life was going nowhere fast.

Thank God I stumbled into Dr Irina Webster, when I did a search on the web for help. Out of desperation I wrote to her and was amazed she answered back.

We started emailing, and after a  few emails I was completely convinced her Eating Disorder Home Treatment program was for me. I was so excited, I began to use it right away.
The results have been nothing short of miraculous!

In fact here's what's happened since I started using the Program.

I rid myself completely from anxiety and tension that I always had. I started manipulating my own mind where I was in control . The little voices I had in my head that told me to binge and purge started to obeying me and now they're telling me what I want them to tell.

I got an enormous desire to communicate with people and make friends. I feel so confident around people now that got promotion at work which I thought was never possible for me.

I found a soul mate who can't believe that I had bulimia as a problem in the past (it is because I feel so natural now).
I can talk openly about my feelings now and this helps me so much in my relationship. Intimacy problems seem to have disappeared but it was such a big issue in the past.
And the main thing is that I lost the need for bulimia as an escape mechanism.

I finally became a whole person again and the bulimia is nothing to me now.
So, thanks again Dr Irina.
Your happy friend.
Anna J. UK ( Web Designer)


                                           I feel so relaxed
and at peace with myself now I feel as if I'm walking on air. The Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program helped me improve my feelings a lot. It is so clever, so simple, and yet so incredibly powerful. I fully intend using it at every opportunity possible so that my life becomes even more magical than it is at the moment. I never thought I can stop my ED and return my life back. But 'miracles' do happen sometimes...”

Kristine P. UK ( Musician)


                                   This is a magnificent creation.

It's so clear and simple. I'm sitting here enjoying the benefits, rather than moving into my head, thinking: ‘Could it really be this easy?' It's lovely to see the clarity that Irina has come up with, and her easy way to gain access to the tremendous power that's really available to each of us.

Kathy K, Ireland (Psychology Student) 

What the program is actually doing is gradually giving the nervous system and the brain more input of a very precise and specific nature 'Emotional Strengthening'. In much the same way exercise gives your body more input sow it can handle more physically, pushing it to grow stronger.
The brain's response?

(1) Reorganization at a higher level.

(2) Creation of new neural pathways, opposite to ones bulimia made.

(3) Increased communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, leading to what scientists call "whole-brain functioning".

When you are in a "whole-brain functioning" state the right messages go straight into your subconscious mind and change it effortlessly in total opposite to bulimia. To say in other words it re-programs your mind back to normal.

It is the same process that was used by the bulimia to sneak into your subconscious mind a long time ago (when your mind was programmed to hate your body, to have low self-esteem and to abuse yourself with food) but in a different direction, back to normal again.

This process is called re-programming. And until your mind actually gets re-programmed, bulimia will always be there and never leave.

                               Bulimia is not your fault:

It is your mind playing bad tricks on you. Sometime in the past you had a negative experience that happened to you.

It could have been bulling at school, inappropriately strict parents who did not show enough love to you or could be something even more serious like physical or sexual assault.

Your mind took this negative impute in and created special neural pathways (or programs) that started playing over and over in your mind without you even realizing it.

This false program was your negative feelings that you couldn't control like: anxiety, tension, compulsive actions like binging, purging and the inability to keep yourself cool when it was needed.

The same thing can happen with people who constantly diet and want to loose weight over a long time. Your mind takes it as a long time dissatisfaction with yourself and long time negative impute.

As a consequence false neural pathways (program) develop in your mind and started playing over and over again.

    So what is it that the Eating Disorder Home Treatment program does:

It creates new neural pathways (programs) in your your brain that are opposite to the bulimic ones that once dominated you: the old false programs are finally eliminate.

And what is even more impressive is the positive changes in mental and emotional health are created by the daily use of the Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program.

Let me explain how and why these changes happen.

Everyone has a threshold for what they can handle that comes at them from the world. When that threshold is exceeded, we attempt to deal with this activating a variety of coping mechanisms, including anxiety, anger, depression, being overwhelmed, sadness, substance abuse, food abuse and many others.

The main thing the Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program does is to provide a stimulus to the brain that pushes that threshold higher by creating new neural pathways that have a higher tolerance level.

My view is that all so-called dysfunctional feelings and behaviors (like binging-purging, starving yourself, over exercising, taking laxatives and diuretics, inappropriate anxiety and tension), are all attempts to cope with being pushed over the threshold.

When a person has trauma during childhood or adolescence or even anytime later in life, this threshold ends up being lower than if the trauma had not happened. The person is more often bothered by things in their environment that might not bother other people who did not have this trauma.

This means they exhibit, and suffer from the above feelings and behaviours more often. But even the person with the normal threshold can be pushed past their threshold from time to time, depending on what’s going on for them.

The solution to all of this? Raise the threshold higher, and this is precisely what the Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program does by creating new positive neural pathways in the brain.

As this happens, your dysfunctional feelings and behaviors (like binging, purging and etc) happen less and less often because it becomes less and less likely that whatever is happening in your environment will push you over it and trigger these feelings and behaviors in the first place.

As a result, they fall away for good. This is a lot like a runner who begins with a certain physical threshold, but raises it by running every day until what would have overwhelmed the person in the beginning becomes easy.


                      It's too good to pass up!

Many times in my life someone says something to me that is too good to be true, but this program is too good to pass up.

I suffered from anorexia-bulimia for the last 7 years after leaving a traumatic relationship where my boyfriend constantly abused me physically and emotionally . I even had to hide from him to avoid more abuse.

He was weird , I think he got satisfied from hurting me. I finally got the courage up to leave him. But I carried the consequences of this relationship, hating myself, my body and becoming anorexic-bulimic. I just could not forget all the abuse I suffered, so my only sanctuary became food. I felt good when I was eating.

I was in a hypnotic trance when I was binging. That trance was taking me away from the present to somewhere that was a substitute for a world of unconditional love and peace. This is what I wanted but could not find it anywhere except from when I binged and purged.

At first, I thought that was OK to binge, but after a few years I realized that it took my whole life that I really didn't have anything more valuable in my life than just spending my time alone with food. I became "sick" of myself... I lost all my confidence and self-esteem.

I had a job - but hated it, always trying to find an excuse to take a day off . I lived with my parents but could not get on with them, constantly arguing and trying to blame them for what had happened to me.

Then I can to the point where I had to do something so went to my doctor, who in turn sent me to a counselor. Unfortunately I could not connect with her and after a few sessions I could not go back

Disappointed with this experience I wanted to find something that I can do at home maybe read or listen to regarding eating disorders. Than my mum found an article on the net about a special Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program. I read the article. It was about Dr Irina Webster program, so I thought I would give it a go.

It was amazing what happened next, within 3 months I have improved considerably and I am dating again, it is fantastic.

All I can say is if you are in the same position I was then you should do what I did.

Katie D. UK (Business Administration)


Four years ago I put together a special program for patients that they can use at home: with the help of another person who went through hell with her daughter.

We did this because nearly all eating disorder people (including me years ago) share the same problem: they feel OK while having counseling or under professional supervision. But when they are on their own at home they slip back to their old eating habits, in over 70% to 80% of the time (very discouraging statistics).

Medical research shows that it is certain triggers that set people off, these are mostly found at home. Sufferers come home to feel relax and relaxation is associated with binging for many bulimics. People may feel lonely at home and turn to food to suppress their loneliness. They may feel bored, feel stresses, feel rejected or anxious. The remedy for all of these negative feelings is food, which gives them that old hypnotic trance they got addicted to.

In fact there are now over 100,000 scientific articles emphasizing the effects of mind on body and body on mind. At the Mind/Body Medical Institute, part of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Benson and his colleagues found mind/body medicine to be an effective therapy in a number of diseases that include cardiac disease, many forms of chronic pain, infertility, insomnia, eating disorders, premenstrual syndrome, the symptoms of cancer and HIV/AIDS, anxiety, and mild and moderate depression.

Two studies that are particularly interesting are a 2002 study reported in the Journal of American Medical Women’s Association, in which eating disorder sufferers had increased to above 52% recovery rate, after applying mind / body medicine techniques. And a study of 184 women who had been trying to stop their eating disorder for up to 8 years—59% of these women recovered completely after receiving training in mind / body techniques.

That is what the Eating Disorder Treatment Program is for: to break these associations in the deep subconscious level of your brain using an neuro-technological approach that will give you emotional strengthening and put your brain in the alpha-frequency state where peoples feelings and emotions live.

                             Understanding emotional strengthening

In order to understand about emotional strengthening, you first need to understand a bit about how the brain works. You’re probably aware that our brains work across a range of different levels or brain-wave frequencies. While the range is actually continuous, it is divided for convenience into 4 categories—beta, alpha, theta and delta:

more stressed,  shorter brain-waves
Beta (15 – 40 cycles per second)  -  Conscious (thinking, rationalizing)

Alpha (9 – 14 cycles per second)  -   Sub-conscious (feelings, emotion)
Theta (5 – 8 cycles per second)  -  Sleep                                       

 Delta (1,5-4 cycles per second)   -  Coma                                           

 more relaxed , longer brain-waves


As adults, we spend most of our waking time in the beta area. Eating disorder people spend nearly all their time in beta state and also their beta state consist of the shorter beta waves compare to average population. It is why all eating disorder people are prone to high level of anxiety, stress, guilt and/or depression. Difficulty to focus and concentrate on the task could be also a prominent feature due to very short beta waves in eating disorder sufferers.


As we become more relaxed (e.g. as we fall asleep at night) our brain waves slow measurably, and we move into what is known as a theta state, or sleep. Beta is where we do our logical thinking and rationalizing ( like eating disorder suffers tend to over rationalize things because of the shorter beta waves in their brain).

Alpha, on the other hand, while still an "awake" state, is that relaxed, day-dreamy state that you can go into when you are doing something creative (e.g. painting, sewing, knitting) or something repetitive (e.g. walking, driving long distance on open roads). It's the time when your mind just wanders freely, and time just seems to fly by. You seem to feel just "relaxed and content"...

So you're wondering what this has to do with stopping bulimia and feeling stronger, right?

Everything! You see, your alpha, or sub-conscious state is about feelings and emotions. If you are going to do any emotional strengthening or changing your habits and subconscious beliefs, you need to work in the alpha state (which is where the feelings and emotions happen) rather than the beta state (which is where rational thinking happens).

Now here’s another important piece of the puzzle—besides containing your feelings and emotions, your alpha (sub-conscious) state also contains your “self-beliefs”.

Your self-beliefs are the subconscious view you have of yourself—they drive your behavior at a sub-conscious level. They are similar to the programs you have on your computer.

So if, for example you have a self-belief that says “I am a smoker”, the behavior that results is that you smoke (it’s not rocket science, folks).

If you have a self-belief that says “I’m always 10 pounds over weight and I find it impossible to stop vomiting my food”, then guess what? Our self-beliefs (or internal programming) determine our conscious behavior - you do it.

Anyone who has tried to give up binging-purging using will-power alone will attest to the strength of these self-beliefs. We have thousands of these sub-conscious self-beliefs that govern all areas of our lives.

Where do self-beliefs come from? Mostly they develop in us at a very young age. It’s interesting to note that, unlike adults, children spend the majority of their waking time in the alpha region. Most of our adult behaviors are based on “programming” we picked up before the age of 6 or 7.

Studies have shown that small children receive over 400 negative messages a day (“don’t be naughty”, “you’re too noisy”, “stop being so messy”) compared with only about 20 positive ones. Is it surprising that low self-esteem or negative self-image is so common?

Are you still not sure about how this applies to stopping your eating disorder?

 Here’s the crunch:

When it comes to getting results, your self-belief (programming) will always win out over your conscious desire.

That means that no matter how much you consciously think that you want to stop your bulimia, no matter how desperate you feel about it, or how certain you are that it’s “the right thing for you”, if you have an underlying self-belief (program) that is stopping you from getting rid of bulimia, then it won’t happen.

Let me be very clear on this. If you have never applied any of the techniques I’m about to describe, then you probably have no idea that you have an underlying self-belief that is sabotaging your ability to stop Bulimia. Your immediate reaction is probably:

“What rubbish! I really, really, really want to stop bulimia and get on with my life.
How can you tell me that deep down inside I don’t want to stop it?”

This is a perfectly natural reaction. In fact I can reassure you that this is a reaction of over 95% of all eating disorder sufferers we have worked with, who later went on to stop their eating disorder after years of trying. But only after they had identified and eliminated their hidden, negative self-beliefs.

How do I know this? Well I was one of those 95% of sufferers myself. I thought it was rubbish too; I wanted to give up my bulimia, I was desperate to give up, it was ruining my life: how can you say I was sabotaging myself, it can't possibly be true? But guess what? It was true and once I recognized this point I started to get better.

Here’s something else to understand—your subconscious mind does not make value judgments. It does not decide if a self-belief is a good thing or a bad thing. It is just like a computer program. It just is.

                            From Mr. Chris Payne The Amazing UK Life Coach

Chris has helped Thousands of people to better health and a better life. He is a Mentor and coach to many famous people his clients include: The famous Anthony Robbins (motivational speaker)  Joan Armatrading (singer)  Stars of Emmerdale and Coronation Street, the UK’s top-rated multi-evening primetime soaps. Just to name a few.


Chris believes that the mind lies to you and  is one of the major problems with eating disorder sufferers. When an Anorexic or a Bulimic look in the mirror and see a fat person looking back although they are not fat at all, is the mind telling the sufferer a lie.

One of the best ways to deal with an eating disorder is to use a Home treatment program. The problem with an eating disorder is it does not live in the clinic or the Therapists room, it lives at home where the sufferer lives. With Dr Irina Webster and Williams  home treatment program you have help 24/7. When things get tough all you have to do is turn the program on and you have instant help. It is simply the best way to go.

Thank you
Chris Payne.

So when it comes to stopping bulimia, all of this creates a dilemma:

• If you have been unable to stop it, it most likely is a result of a subconscious self-belief or emotional blockage.

• If you have a subconscious self-belief or emotional blockage preventing you from stopping bulimia, you are unlikely to realize it.

• You are almost certainly not consciously aware of what the blockage is.

• Subconscious self-beliefs cannot be identified and changed at the beta / rational / thinking level.

But here’s the amazing thing…

If you know and use the right techniques (which is in the program), you CAN identify what your subconscious blockages are, and you CAN eliminate those blockages. This is what we are working with in our Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program.

And most of the people who used the program were able to stop their bulimia by:

1. Identify the subconscious belief (blockages) that stop you from eliminating bulimia.
2. Eliminate the subconscious belief ( blockages) .

Then, provided the other parts of your triangle (i.e. the physical and mental) are functioning well, there is nothing stopping you from eliminating binging-purging, only your flawed beliefs.

So what sort of blockages are we talking about? They can be just about anything. Blockages are very individual. No two people are going to have exactly the same blockages. And you are unlikely to “guess” your own blockage using rational thinking. Most people are extremely surprised once they use the techniques and uncover what their blockage is.

3. You can then banish the cruel tricks of your mind that constantly paralyse your ability to beat your disorder (Hint: This is crucial to your success! Without it, you'll unknowingly sabotage yourself at every turn!)

It’s interesting (but I guess not surprising) to note that both men and women can suffer from emotional blockages that prevent them from stopping their bulimia.

In my story I've told what my blockage (subconscious believe) was  - I subconsciously believed that I wouldn't be able to cope with my everyday life if I stop binging-purging and also that I automatically get fat if I keep the food down.

From my experience people have all kinds of blockages (examples of some of them):

- A 42 years old woman who has had bulimia for 20 years subconsciously believed that bulimia was her closest friend and if she stopped her bulimia she would loose a whole part of herself and her life. After eliminating this blockage she was able to let the bulimia go with ease.

-A man who suffered anorexia-bulimia  for 9 years had an emotional blockage that he would inevitably put on so much weight that he couldn't perform as a gymnast if he stop his binging-purging and starving himself. After eliminating this blockage his eating disorder was stopped.

- A 36 years old thought that bulimia was her lifestyle and if she stopped she would have a boring life without pleasure and satisfaction. She was able to stop it soon after identifying and eliminating her emotional blockages.

- A 29 years old man believed that bulimia was a part of who he is and it was impossible to stop because you can't deny a part of yourself. He stopped his anorexia-bulimia completely after 6 months working with the program.

The list can go on and on.

                                I just felt like thanking you.

Dear Irina I want to thank you for the Eating Disorder Program.
Having experienced various levels of depression & associated anxiety since I was 16,I am now 37, and anorexia-bulimia since age of 19.

 It was necessary for me to reluctantly take anti-depressant medication since 1992, when I experienced a “nervous breakthrough” (a more positive way of viewing a “breakdown”).
Now many things don't bother me like they used to. I don't seemed to be worried about much at all these days.

My levels of anxiety and depression have STEADILY improved over the last few weeks since I have been using the program. I still have a long way to go however but I am feeling far more stable and balanced than ever before and the best thing is I have started to eat more.

I now believe I have turned the corner and this is just unbelievable.

Thanking you from my heart."
— Sharon M., Australia

       What exactly is the Bulimia Home Treatment Program about?

The program consist of two great parts:

The 1st part is listening the program on CD's or MP4.
(MP4 is our recommendation)

It is recommended to listen for 20 to 30 minutes every day, depending on the part of the program you are at. You can listen longer if you want to, but because of the many personal exercises you have to do in each part you are better to do them properly and in order. They are set in a certain sequence throughout the program and it is not a good idea to skip any of them.

If you listen 20 to 30 min as recommended (plus the special personal exercises) it will take up to 34 days to complete the listening part of the program.
This listening part consist of over 8 hours 45 mins of pure Eating Disorder Home treatment program written and design by Dr Irina Webster MD and spoken by Dr Irina and William.

Then you have 4 amazing interviews with famous Eating Disorder Hypnotherapists and Life Coaches (all together that takes about 4.5 hours).

They will talk and teach you how to win against your Eating disorder and give you a whole different perspective to the way you look at your eating disorder.

You just can not get this kind of information all together in one spot as it is totally different and extremely interesting. These people are at the top of their fields and just to spend time with them would cost thousands of dollars, but you get them with our full program.

  • More importantly, the results and life transformation they get with their clients is unbelievable. That's why I have made and included their interviews in the program, so you can use their tips, tricks and secrets for your benefit.

    Let me introduce you to these amazing people:

    1st interview: Mr. Steve G Jones, the famous American Hollywood Hypnotherapist to the stars.
    He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy.

    2nd interview: Dr Allan Strong, Doctor of Psychology, specializing in Transformational Change Psychology in the UK, that is changing the way people think in one session. He is the author of a new eating disorder treatment - Visual Kinesthetic. He shares his knowledge about this amazing new treatment with you.
    3rd interview: Mr. Justin Herald the famous Australian Life Coach, the author of many self-development books and is featured on Sydney radio daily, Take 5 magazine and many more publications.

    4th interview: Mr. Chris Payne the amazing and famous Life Coach from the UK. He promotes personal development in the UK and has transformed the lives of 50,000 people directly. He recently created a series of CDs called The Effort-Free Life System which has helped thousands of people, mostly in the UK, Australia and USA.
    He has appeared on TV in the UK and on radio in the UK and US. And he has run weekend seminars in the UK, US, and Australia.

Part 2 of the program is a 10 week program to be used everyday that will follow on from the main program, (also about 20-30 min a day).

It is called  the "10 transformational codes to stop your Eating Disorder " . Each hypnotic code is designed to be done for one week. So after one week of the 1st code you go to the 2nd code, then 3rd code etc.
All the special material needed for doing the "10 transformational codes to stop your Eating Disorder " will be supplied for the whole 10 weeks. You will not need to get any extra things.

You will also get an on "Your way to health pack" with all the special booklets  to compliment the listening part of the program, with the full pack.

You will get absolutely FREE a gift of wonderful alpha-state music on CD, that is featured throughout the 8 hour program (this means the rhythmical music with the special full sound tracks that helps put your brain to work on alpha wave state, where the healing process occurs).

It is an 80 minute CD that you can listen to any time: in the car, when doing the housework, when sitting down and relaxing, when going for a walk, or play it in the background when you have friends over. The more often you listen to it, the more healing benefit you will have. Because the music stimulates the subconscious mind into remembering each part of the program associated with the music.

With the full program you also get professional e-mail counseling by myself, where I will personally help you to get started.

All together the program will take 105 days or 3 and a half months to complete (if you do as recommended 20 to 30 min a day).

This program gives results light years beyond other approaches you may have tried.

But here are Two Important Qualifications Before You Sign Up:

At this point you might be asking, "Okay, what's the downside? Are there any drawbacks or negatives?"

Yes, there are some, and I want you to know what they are.

First Drawback: I'll warn you right up front, that this program will create a revolution in your life. The Eating Disorder Home Treatment program creates deep emotional transformation in your mind and that will put you face-to-face with...well, with yourself actually.

If you choose to participate in this program, you'll eventually have to deal with the parts of yourself you've so far avoided dealing with ( your deep emotional reasons for having Bulimia).

I'm sure you know which parts I mean - those that are for the most part out of sight, but nonetheless operate under the surface to sabotage you. The parts that create turmoil in your life, and make you less than happy. In this program, you will resolve these issues, and I have to admit that sometimes it can be - at least temporarily - uncomfortable. Facing down your demons is not easy.

This program will create a real healing in your life, and because on some some way... to some will resist that change, you may experience periods of upheaval as you grow and change.

The program will create a new balance in your life, and the out-of-balance parts will most likely put up a struggle as you bid them farewell. Real growth, real change, is often cathartic. It's just part of the process.

Of course, we will help you.

We provide extensive and an effective support service (unconditional email counseling to get you going) from our extremely knowledgeable support staff with years of experience working with eating disorder sufferers and helpers to minimize any discomfort (discomfort, in this program, is definitely optional).

 And, actually, we've found that whatever upheaval you do experience is not only temporary, it will generally be no greater than whatever you're already creating in your life.

We've never had anyone - considering the phenomenal results - who didn't think it was well worth it.

Listen. I don't want to overemphasize the possible cathartic nature of your experience. For most people it's minimal - but it is a possibility, and I thought you should know about it.

Second drawback: Participating in this program requires a certain commitment. Though you're free to do less (and progress more slowly), we suggest you do 20 to 30 minutes each day with the CDs or the MP4 and complete all exercises in each part.

My bet is you'll eagerly look forward to these sessions, rather than seeing them as a chore.

Why? Because the experience is wonderful, and you feel so good afterwards. But still, you do have to be willing to set aside the time.

If you aren't - if you don't think the incredible mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of this program are worth the time or commitment - this isn't for you.

Finally, you may ask:

Is the program safe? Are there any long-term dangers?
Not unless you find increased happiness, greater peace of mind, improved mental functioning, eliminated urges to binge and purge, greater self-awareness, better emotional health, and a feeling of greater aliveness dangerous.

So, if you're ready to give the program a try, here's my risk-free offer (in fact it's better than risk-free):

I know you may be skeptical.

Everybody always promises the moon with these personal growth approaches, and I know I've promised you a lot here. All I want is the chance to prove to you that everything I've said in this letter is absolutely real and true and that this technology, and the program I've created around it, truly will change your life.

This is a full program that helps you step by step to recovery. It is not a simple e-book but a total audio experience containing everything you need to beat your disorder.

There are 23 tracks, over 8.5 hours of audio program, mixed through with Alpha state music and exercises. Plus you get over 4 hours of interviews with renowned specialists in their fields that will help you change your life.

I can tell you that this program would cost you thousands of dollars for this information anywhere else and you would not have a therapist on hand 24/7 like you do with this program.

So You’re Probably Wondering How Much This Amazing
Program Is Going To Cost You?

Well, the full program is valued at $920. 

Compare this one-off cost to the amount of money you can quickly rack up on therapists, counselors and clinics and I’m sure you’ll agree that this is incredibly reasonable.

But here’s what I’m going to do.

Because I’m so passionate about ensuring others don’t suffer for years like I did…

Because I want to make sure as many people as possible can afford to own this program…

Because I don't want you putting off getting help and risking your health and life…

I’m going to make you this very special offer….

For A Limited Time Only You Can Own This Program For A Fraction Of Its Real Value

Here are 5 options you have to invest in the ‘Bulimia Home Treatment Program’ for A FRACTION OF ITS REAL VALUE :

A message from William on the payment options available to you.
Just click and listen as it is important.


              Eating Disorder Home Treatment Program.
SPECIAL DEAL # 1 eating disorder help program option1 Option 1

The complete audio program on CD. Books and pamphlets

(14 CDs, 4 booklets, 2 books and 6 pamphlets).
It’s VALUED AT $920.

But all you have to do to get started on the path to wellness
                                                                                     Photo of the package    
 is make a first payment of
$355 NOW (plus $25 posting and insurance).

You don’t need to pay the balance until your well.  

That’s right, I’m serious. Pay only $355 now and the balance in 12 months.

And I will not hound you to pay at the end of your program.

I am taking you on trust as a way of helping you to get better and have a normal life



Pay in full now and get a discount of $100. Plus you’ll get 6 months email counselling valued at $4000
And you get 4 half hour Skype sessions with Dr Irina and William, where you can discus any problems you have, in total privacy. Valued $600.
 Total Value $4600

But you pay only $820
(plus $25 postage and insurance)


SPECIAL DEAL # 3  option2

CD and MP4,eating disorder cure program option 2 

The complete audio program fully loaded on an MP4 player 1G(like iPod), with external SD port.

14 CDs and All books and pamphlets.
4 booklets, 2 books and 6 pamphlets   

Plus you get 90 days extra direct email
                 Photo of the package    
 access to myself and William for help.

The cost of this Pack is only $1100.          

All   you have to pay is a first payment of $499 now.

And when you get better pay us the
balance when you like.

Once again we will not hound you to pay  
                                                                                                        one of the MP4  

But you only have to pay $499 up front (plus $25 postage and insurance).

This is a genuine deal there are no catches, Just pay us the rest when you’re ready.

                     So click below for the special.


Pay in full now and get a discount of $200 and pay only $900.(plus $25 postage and insurance)
(MP4, 14 CDs, 4 booklets, 2 books and 6 pamphlets printed mailed to you),
Plus12 months email counselling valued at $8000
And you get 8 half hour Skype sessions with Dr Irina and William, where you can discus any problems you have, in total privacy.
Valued $1200. 
Total Value $9200 Free



 eating disorder help program option1SPECIAL DEAL # 5 – STUDENT HELP OFFER.
12 CDs loaded on a 1G Flash Drive.

4 booklets, 2 books and 6 pamphlets, downloadable from the net.  Full Cost $550.

This is a really special deal for struggling students

You do not have to pay the $550 up front. All you have to pay is a first payment of $250 now and when you get better pay us the balance when you like.

That is correct if it will help you, pay only $250 now and the balance in 12 months or when you can pay.


But you can upgrade anytime in the next 12 months and still get all the extra benefits.

We are taking you on trust as a way of helping you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Flash Drive

(Posting and handling and insurance $12)


You can own this program at a fraction of its value.

So we can’t be any fairer than than can we? Or can we?

Now to show you that we are deadly serious and we are 100% certain that we can help you. If you use the program the way we tell you to, follow all the instructions, use the books and most importantly use our help throughout and if after the 12 months are up you did not get any benefit at all. Then we will simply refund your money in full.

Try getting that guarantee from a clinic or therapists, you will not. But we know that neuroplasticity is the key to ending your misery, so we can offer what the others can't.

So to avoid disappointment, order now.

             So Now You Basically Have 2 Choices…

In a couple of months time, you could still be struggling along in your secret life of binging purging or starving yourself… missing out on all the good things in life you deserve.

Or you can take the first step towards a brighter future. A future where you are truly in control of your eating and your life.

Please don’t leave it another minute longer to get help for your eating disorder. Every day you risk doing long-term damage to your health.

I’m looking forward to helping you reclaim your life

Warm regards 

Dr Irina Webster

P.S  Remember you can pay a first payment now and the balance later. We can not be fairer than that. We want to take the pressure of you so you get better, then it is up to you when you pay us the balance. We know the treatment works.  We get emails like this one below all the time:

We know the treatment works we get emails like this one below all the time.


                                             At last I am free of my ED

Dr Irina.
I have to apologize to you I really didn't think the program would work. You see I had been through all the treatments and nothing worked before. I got to the point where I was desperate as I have a little boy and I know he needs his mom.
I was so worried something would happen to me and he would be all on his own, I just couldn't risk it, what mom would.
So I took the chance to get the program and it really worked. At first I could not concentrate on doing it, my mind was just racing all the time, but I got to the part where William explained how to stop that happening and it changed everything.
Now I know I will be around to look after my little boy, he is so beautiful and I am a very proud mom.
Thanks also for all the help you gave me when I was really struggling. Without the counseling at the bad times I am sure I would still have the anorexia now.
I just watch what I eat and like you said, I will never get fat if I have balance.

Yours sincerely
Barbara Morgan
North Dakota, USA.

P.P.S. If you are not willing to follow the program step by step and honestly try to get better then please don’t waste your time and ours. We’ll help you every step of the way but you need to be committed to giving up your eating disorder and living a normal life again

P.P. P. S. If you would like to know all about the MP4 you get in the program click on the link below to read and choose your player.

MP4. 1G (Click here for specifications)


All rights reserved 2006-07-08-09.
 Herington St Canberra ACT 2904 Australia. 
Some names on the testimonials have been changed on request for privacy reasons

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